Fitness Journey - Deborah Lay
Here is the picture that changed my life..
Where the journey began.

This photo literally changed my life.I have always had a weight problem and obviously knew I was Obese. Not until I had seen this photo was I totally disgusted and disappointed in myself for allowing this to happen. I was 353 lbs… How overwhelming to think I literally needed to lose almost 200 lbs. After a lot of research, I decided I would do the weight loss surgery. It seemed the most practical at the time. I had tried so many diets over the years. Atkins, Cabbage soup diet, Fatfree Diet. you name it I tried it… I was telling a Nurse friend of mine my plans and she asked me to go with her to a Weight Watchers Meeting. I attended and I am so glad I did. They taught me about portion control… Who knew the small bag of Lays potato chips were 2 servings!!! Counting Calories also had an incredible support system. I had started walking in the evenings. The weight started coming off and we all know how that can motivate..Once I had lost 50 lbs I decided against having Gastric Surgery. I joined a gym and fell in love with the changes both Physical and Mental benefits of working out…
One of the hardest things I faced being overweight was walking into a gym..It always seemed the cardio equipment faced the front door. So you felt as if everyone was looking at you they were not but the feeling was there.
At that time in Belleview, there was only one Gym and it was so crowded. There was definitely room for growth. In November 2004 The Body Factory Health and Fitness Opened our doors…I received my ISSA Certification in 2006. Still going stronger than ever… Side note…None of the equipment faces the front door…
Rebuilding and Reshaping Bodies One Day at a Time……

Unfortunatley as a result of yoyo dieting over the years. I was diagnosed with Hypothyroid. This Picture has been a few years back I still have the Jeans as a constant reminder. How far I have come.
Helps to keep me focused.
Deborah Lay